Caring for Buildings during COVID-19

Remember property management and maintenance for your properties, even if they're vacant due to COVID-19.

24 April 2020

Property, business and homeowners alike will have huge concerns relating to their health and their families in the current climate, but it’s also important to think about the management and maintenance of our properties. The global Coronavirus pandemic has led to stricter cleaning protocols and we all need to work to keep our properties protected and as clean as possible.

Working with professional cleaning and janitorial teams allows you to benefit from their unique experience in managing biohazards and similar health hazards. What’s more, they are trained to work safely in these environments and help bring properties back to a safe level after an outbreak or help ensure any outbreak is contained and destroyed. Remember the spread of this virus is dependent on individuals and even the best cleaning will not stop the spread of the virus should a carrier enter the decontaminated area.

Safer Work Spaces

The safety of your workplace is the responsibility of employers and managers. Employees have been encouraged to work from home in some areas, but this isn’t always possible so protection for employees is essential.

Employers are encouraged to undertake a number of different measures such as:

  • Splitting staff into shifts or different days
  • Setting up separates entrances and exits for employees and visitors
  • Offering PPE where possible and necessary

Work space design will depend on whether you can do this or not and it isn’t possible in every environment. Some states recommend working from home if you cannot create a safe work space to avoid close quarters between employees.

Double Check Emergency Policies

Business owners should take this time to ensure your emergency policies are in place. Systems such as fire alarms and protocol should be checked and updated and staff who are working on the premises should be trained and up to date with all procedure.

Remember your HVAC

It might seem like a small concern at present but to keep your premises well maintained, you need to ensure the air quality is looked after. Cold, dry air with low humidity can be damaging to the structure of a building. This is why it is important to utilize specialist HVAC cleaners and maintenance companies to ensure your systems are working, especially if your building or buildings are vacant.

Keep on Top of Sanitization

High-touch surfaces and hands need to be cleaned regularly if there is any chance of managing and eradicating this virus. Staff who must work need to be fully versed in correct hand washing procedure and where possible, you should provide sanitizer or sanitized wipes. The sooner these procedures become second-nature, the sooner it will be that we can return to some form of normality in the workplace.

Cleanliness is Key to Defeating the Virus

Working with professional cleaners can help to ensure you have the right controls in place to protect your employees and customers in time. What’s more, we will work to ensure your buildings are fully maintained even if they are vacant. Keep in mind even the most professional cleaning team does not have the means to continuously kill this virus, so being vigilant is key.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a terrifying experience for the whole world and extremely complicated for employers and employees alike. Remove one stress from the current situation by handing over cleaning and sanitizing issues to the professionals. Detail-orientated cleaners like the Penn Jersey team will work with you to provide a safe and clean work environment.

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