Hospital Floor Cleaning: Caring For Hospital Floors & Maintaining Hygiene

Minimizing Risks, Controlling Infection and Contamination

10 February 2024

There are few places on earth that require hygiene more than a hospital. Our hospitals need to be safe and hygienic so people can recover from accidents and illnesses and the risk of contamination and diseases spreading is high due to the large number of people, including many with weakened immune systems.

All elements of a hospital are at risk of causing harm to health if they are not cleaned properly. This is why high quality, professional hospital cleaning is essential and not an optional extra for hospital managers. Furthermore, certain areas pose even higher risk than others, specifically hospital floors due to the high, almost constant, footfall, and the germs that are brought in with each pair of feet that cross the threshold.

High-quality hospital flooring is essential to maintain safety levels and cleaning is equally important too. Below we’ll explore in depth the risks of dirty hospital floors, the range of materials used in hospital flooring and the importance of effective cleaning methods. As specialist commercial cleaners, our teams regularly work in the hospitals and health centers in Philadelphia, ensuring their floors and all aspects of their premises, are as clean as possible.

How Clean Are Hospital Floors?

Each hospital has its own level of cleanliness though there are national standards to aim for. There has been plenty of research into overall hospital cleanliness but less specifically focused on flooring. However, one study in the Cleveland-area looked at five hospitals. The study looked at 318 different floor sites across 159 patient rooms, with spot testing carried out in each room.

The study found that floors were often contaminated with MRSA, VRE, and C. diff. The most frequently found pathogen was C. diff. Clostridium difficile, also known as C. diff, is a bacterium that can infect the bowel and cause diarrhoea. It is common in people who have been treated with antibiotics, so this is why it is often found in hospitals. However, regularly finding a range of bacteria on hospital floors is not a good sign for how clean they are.

It’s evident that places which are home to many people will a range of illnesses and health problems are more likely to be at risk of the spread of viruses and bacteria, but this makes it even more important that cleaning is made a priority.

Choosing Flooring Materials for Hospitals

Hospital floors are constructed with careful consideration of various factors, such as durability, cleanliness, and resistance to chemicals. The most common materials you’ll find include:

  • Vinyl

Vinyl is a popular choice for hospital floors due to its durability, ease of cleaning, and resistance to water and chemicals. It provides a smooth surface that minimizes the risk of tripping and is often used in high-traffic areas.

  • Epoxy

Epoxy is a seamless and non-porous flooring option that provides a high level of resistance to chemicals and bacteria. It is often used in areas where spills and contamination are likely to occur.

  • Rubber

Rubber floors offer excellent shock absorption and are resistant to stains, water, and chemicals. They are commonly used in operating rooms, emergency departments, and other areas where cleanliness and hygiene are paramount.

  • Linoleum

Linoleum is a natural flooring material made from linseed oil, wood flour, cork dust, and other natural materials. It is known for its antimicrobial properties and resistance to bacteria, making it a suitable option for hospitals.

Hygiene Challenges Associated with Unclean Hospital Floors

Unclean hospital floors pose significant challenges to maintaining a sterile healthcare environment. Some of the key issues include:

Infection Spread

Bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens can thrive on dirty floors, contributing to the spread of infections within the healthcare facility. Hospitals need to minimize cross-contamination and be as hygienic and sterile as possible, which is not possible with unclean flooring.

Slip and Fall Risks

Accumulation of dust, spills, and contaminants on floors increases the risk of slip and fall incidents, posing a danger to both patients and staff. The fast-paced nature of most hospital departments mean safe, clutter-free pathways are essential.

Cross Contamination

We’ve already mentioned the risks that come with cross contamination in hospitals. Dirty floors can quickly become a source of cross contamination, as pathogens can be transferred from one area to another through foot traffic and equipment movement.

Healthcare-Acquired Infection

Healthcare-Acquired Infections or HAIs are a significant problem for hospitals. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention identifies that nearly 1.7 million hospitalized patients annually acquire HAIs while being treated for other health issues, so they are a real cause for concern. Contaminated floors are a potential source of HAIs, which can lead to prolonged hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and even mortality in severe cases.

Effective Hospital Floor Cleaning

Investing in hospital floor cleaning is vital for any facility to function safely and do its job of helping to save lives. Maintaining clean hospital floors will help:

  • Manage infection control
  • Improve patient safety
  • Meet regulatory guidelines and compliance
  • Improve public perceptions of your facility
  • Prolong the lifespan of the flooring

Hospitals are environments where illness is prevalent. Taking active steps to minimize the spread of infection must be a priority across the facility, including cleaning every element carefully and completely to ensure no risk of infection spreading or contamination.

Professional Hospital Floor Cleaning

Penn Jersey com is a trusted provider of hospital cleaning services, offering specialized expertise in maintaining clean and hygienic healthcare environments. Our services, including hospital floor cleaning and ceiling cleaning, are designed to meet the unique challenges of healthcare facilities.

We can advise on the best steps for a cleaning schedule for your facility and ensure it is properly managed in a way to minimize any risks. We recommend:

Regular Cleaning Schedule: Establish a routine cleaning schedule that includes daily maintenance and periodic deep cleaning to address dirt, spills, and contaminants promptly.

Use of Appropriate Cleaning Products: Select cleaning products that are suitable for the specific flooring material and effective in eliminating bacteria and pathogens. Hospital grade cleaning products are available and suitable for some areas.

Training and Education: Ensure that staff receive proper training on the correct best practice for hygiene standards including hand hygiene and keeping public areas clean and tidy.

Collaborate with Professionals: Partnering with reputable cleaning services provides healthcare facilities with the expertise and resources needed to maintain a clean and safe environment.

Implement Infection Prevention Measures: Integrate infection prevention measures into the overall cleaning strategy, including the use of antimicrobial flooring, shoe covers, and effective waste management.

Penn Jersey works with hospitals and health care facilities across the area to ensure the cleanest environment possible for everybody. Whether you’re visiting someone in hospital or a patient yourself, you want to feel safe in the environment around you, and high-quality cleaning services contribute to this.

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