Shaping Up For The Store Window – Your Business And Primary Investment

With plenty of money out there, business owners are faced with a great opportunity - whether they are looking to solidify their position, or to grow their business and start expanding.

18 September 2023

Philadelphia is starting to enjoy the economic upturn, and businesses are next in line for cash injections. As the Inquirer has highlighted, a number of federal and private schemes are looking for businesses to invest in, with a particular focus on black business owners (or would-be business owners). With plenty of money out there, business owners are faced with a great opportunity - whether they are looking to solidify their position, or to grow their business and start expanding. However, it’s important to note that a business needs to put themselves in the figurative store window to enjoy those benefits. The first step to that is addressing your curb appeal.

An impression in seconds

Both customers and investors will make first impressions in the same duration, and it is a stunningly low number. The most recent studies, reviewed by Inc, suggest that it takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression, meaning your business is on the clock from the moment a potential investor sets their eyes on the business. As such, it’s absolutely crucial that your curb appeal is up to scratch.

Curb appeal cannot be underestimated. A good way to understand its power is through looking at real estate. According to Forbes, 54% of home buyers considered curb appeal as part of their decision, and it can have an appreciable impact on real estate value. Investing in proper deep cleaning, focusing on outside landscaping and the windows, is an important first step. This will help to reveal areas of improvement that are required in the paintwork or the fittings of the building. This, in turn, can help you to unearth potential hidden problems in the building that could endanger future investment.

Learning about structural issues

Philly receives the best and worst of all seasons, and that can leave properties needing cleaning to such an extent that the structure and underlying premises can foster hidden problems. In such circumstances, mold and other issues that damage the structure of a property start to flourish. Indeed, according to Patch, area doctors have highlighted the heightened risk that Philadelphia structures are exposed to due to the inclement weather systems and mix of warm and wet weather.

After an initial deep clean, enlist professionals to help you look into potential deeper, structural issues. Harboring these problems not only puts your business at risk and will create problems further down the line, but it can deter investors or, worse, lead to accusations of dishonesty if not declared and later discovered. Most importantly, though, a mold-free site will be healthy and create happy workers and customers.

What they’re looking for

An interesting way to further fine-tune your business appeal is to look at the Federal Opportunity Zones. As noted on the Philadelphia Opportunity Zones website, these initiatives are there to help businesses become involved in regenerating and reinvigorating local communities. However, to do so, they need to be prepared to be a community center; a place for local people to visit, to act as an example for regeneration, and to be a high quality fixture for years to come.

Once again, deep cleaning and maintenance can help to ensure your premises can act in such a capacity. Aside from ensuring mold and other systemic issues are cleaned from the property, having regular janitorial and maintenance visits to make sure the property is kept safe and clean - from a professional perspective - will enhance the reputation of your business. That, in turn, will make it a much nicer looking proposition for investors.

Taking away the time

According to a survey by Axios, the majority of American business owners and employees don’t take their full leave entitlement each year. This points to a culture of working too much, and too hard. It’s easy to see why, especially for entrepreneurs, who want to put every hour and dollar into growing their business. However, this isn’t sustainable and it’s important to find ways to save time.

One way of doing this is through automating the business and its less complex processes - but also consider outsourcing maintenance and other third party tasks. As well as getting better service from experts, this will help the business to stay on top of its commitments to customers and employees. It can also help to flag up issues way ahead of time; things such as maintenance problems in fittings, windows, and the ceiling or roof of a premises, can create much bigger problems down the line. Furthermore, efficiency and a well managed set of books will make a business attractive to investors.

Getting hold of investment is easier than ever in Philly, but it’s sensible, efficient and well presented businesses that will get the pick of the bunch. Sometimes, achieving that can be as simple as committing to good quality cleaning and maintenance.

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