How Your Business Benefits From Professional Gym Cleaning

Ensure your gym business is safe and hygienic

10 January 2022

One in five Americans belongs to a gym or fitness studio. If you’re lucky enough own one of these businesses, then you already know they can be really profitable and a real hub of health and wellness. However, with people visiting your gym regularly, keeping on top of your hygiene protocols and cleaning is essential. Professional gym cleaning services ensure your business can operate safely at all times. Gym cleaning and sanitation has to be a high priority for reputable business owners and keeping on top of your cleaning is vital. There are a wide range of reasons you must keep on top of your gym cleaning. Here are our top four:

Reason #1 – Stop the spread of bacteria

Your gym clients don’t exactly stand still and remain chilled throughout their visits. They’re here to workout and with working out comes sweat. You can be sure this sweat will spread across equipment, shared surfaces, and touchpoints. While you want your clients to be clean and hygienic in their personal lives, you cannot guarantee this and with sweat and other bodily fluids potentially spilling on your premises, there is the risk of bacteria spreading too. Common diseases and bacteria to be aware of include:

  • Rhinoviruses
  • Influenza
  • Salmonella
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus

These are just some of the bacteria that can easily spread around your gym without proper cleaning protocols.

Reason 2 – For the maintenance of your equipment

If you run a gym, you already know that the machinery and equipment don’t come cheap! It’s also fair to say that most gyms are quite moist environments and with perspiration an aim of each piece of it, they are bound to come into contact with it regularly. Proper gym cleaning will include ensuring all of your equipment is properly cleaned and the risk of damage, rust or degradation through grime, dirt and sweat residue is minimized.

Reason 3 – Keep customers coming back

You may have bu8ilt up a loyal customer base, but they won’t stay loyal if your premises gain a reputation for being dirty and unhygienic. You can always ask your patrons to clean up after themselves and maintain a basic level of cleanliness, but you also need to deep clean and ensure across-premises hygiene to keep their custom. If you want to protect your business’ image then you need to make cleaning a priority.

Reason 4 – Cost Management

Partnering with professional fitness center cleaning service providers like Penn Jersey presents a cost saving in the long-term. Our regular gym cleaning services avoid the need to hire contractors our for periodic deep cleans and this can get very expensive. Plus, running a clean and well-maintained business attracts more customers so you should see your memberships increase too.

The different areas of your gym require different cleaning services. We recognize the need to tailor the cleaning to the individual facility and you may find after an initial deep clean our contracted services work out effectively to keep on top of your regular cleaning requirements. Key areas to remember for regular cleaning and hygiene checks include: Restrooms Locker rooms and changing spaces Showers Free weights areas If you have classes or side rooms for specific activities then you must ensure additional cleaning after classes take place to ensure the space is hygienic for the next use. Whilst this sounds like common sense, there are hundreds of fitness centers around the US with less than satisfactory cleaning standards and keeping their customers returning becomes a real challenge. Don’t neglect your gym cleaning if you want to remain in business. And, of course, contact Penn Jersey if you’re looking for a commercial cleaning partner.

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