Warehouse and Industrial Cleaning: Keeping On Top of Dust and Dirt

A dirty and cluttered warehouse will lead to inefficient operation. It poses a health and safety risk to employees and this in turn, impacts the overall reputation of your business.

10 September 2021

It’s often the case you will find plenty of information about the cleaning and hygiene of office spaces and similar workspaces. However, warehouses, distribution facilities and industrial premises require the same amount, if not more, close attention when it comes to keeping them clean. These types of work place are more likely to get dirty quicker and may require specialist cleaning.

Important factors to keep in mind when cleaning warehouses and similar facilities include ceiling cleaning, as most of these premises have much higher ceilings than your regular building or workplace. It is also important to keep on top of any additional dirt and grime generated by equipment, packaging, and any other specialist activities in the workplace.

A dirty and cluttered warehouse will lead to inefficient operation. It poses a health and safety risk to employees and this in turn, impacts the overall reputation of your business. Employers in this sector must prioritize cleanliness as a key focus. It makes work easier for your employees, ensures equipment remains in a better state and makes it easier to manage inventory and stock levels without having to deal with disorganization, as well as safety risks.

Let’s look more closely at different areas of the industrial workplace.


Factory and warehouse floors are full of activity and in some instances, may need to be in use 24 hours a day. This makes cleaning difficult, but definitely not impossible. Daily wear and tear will significantly impact floors, so they need regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in the best condition.

Your chosen cleaning company should be able to create zones within your premises so the floor can be cleaned when a certain zone does not need to be in use. Warehouse floors should be cleaned regularly using the correct equipment for your flooring. This could be mops and scrubbers, sweeper machines or more specialized equipment.

Employee Restrooms

Vital for all businesses, employee restrooms must be cleaned to a high standard. You may find they need additional cleaning in an industrial environment where employees may need to clean their hands more regularly. Cleaning and sanitizing high touch surfaces such as faucets, toilet handles and sinks is a daily task, crucial for maintaining good levels of employee health and hygiene.

Ceiling and Hard-to-Reach Areas

The average industrial workplace features high ceilings and may incorporate ceiling-height shelving or similar storage solutions. The highest shelves still need attention and cleaning as well as the lower ones. High ceilings, shelving and windows are all areas where dust, dirty and residue can build up and this can easily fall down and become hazardous on the warehouse floor.

Waste Management

The longer opening hours which many warehouses and industrial operations mean that waste production is much higher than average, so properly managing garbage, trash and recycling is essential.

Allowing high volumes of trash to build up presents a real hazard in high traffic areas, including those around operational equipment and machinery. If paper, cardboard, and other packaging materials aren’t dealt with efficiently then they can also become the perfect home for a range of different pests. Pest infestation is a huge problem for any business, even more so if it is a business dealing with food-grade products.

Warehouse Cleaning Services

Every individual premises has individual cleaning needs. It will be specific to the type of business, products and hours of operation. Your cleaning service provider should design a specific cleaning program that fits with your business and works with your opening hours. At Penn Jersey we offer an extensive range of cleaning services, many of which that can be combined to deliver cleaning and sanitization for your warehouse or industrial premises.

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