Commercial Cleaning Advancements

Developments in cleaning technologies ensure safer work environments.

21 August 2021

The past couple of years has forced the cleaning industry and business in general to reassess the importance of cleaning and sanitization. Businesses are more aware than ever of the importance of regularly cleaning and disinfecting in the workplace and this has also led to innovation, and both technological and chemical developments. Commercial cleaning has changed for the better and there are lots of new technologies and innovation improving the way we clean and care for your premises. Let’s look at a few.

Steam Cleaners

Steam cleaning is not a new technology, but it is much more popular in recent years. Steam cleaners safely kill viruses and germs, even in hard-to-reach places, including ceilings and walls. They can kill of viruses living in porous surfaces such as upholstery too. The main drawbacks to steam cleaning are in the damage it can cause to certain surfaces, including marble and some woods. Sometimes very high temperatures are needed to kill germs using steam and this can damage in integrity of a building or surface.


Robot vacuums are commercially available and very popular due to their novelty but robotics in the cleaning sector goes beyond this. UV-light producing germicidal robots and robots able to spray disinfectant have been employed in many environments, including in government buildings. A very new development, robotics of this kind aren’t widely tested but they could prove to signal a big change in the sector.

UV Light Technology

Just like those robot cleaners use, ultraviolet light technology can be used to disinfect and kill off germs. Also known as Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation, this kind of process is usually combined with others to deliver a complete cleaning solution. UV-C technology can only be used safely in empty rooms and spaces so isn’t suitable for all environments.

Electrostatic Cleaning

Electrostatic spraying machines use a mix of disinfectant solution and air. An electric charge is applied to this mixture through an electrode fitted inside the nozzle of the sprayer. This allows the disinfectant to be sprayed evenly and minimizes the time used in covering a wider area, getting it cleaner more quickly and efficiently. Electrostatic cleaning is popular because it minimizes the waste of chemicals and the wastewater generated by trigger sprayers. Another benefit of electrostatic cleaning is it can be used to clean office equipment, as long as it is not saturated.

Antimicrobial Surface Protectors

It’s becoming much more common to see antimicrobial surfaces in stores and medical centers. Antimicrobial surface protectors are applied directly onto a surface and can provide up to 90 days protection from pathogens. A covalent bond is created when the surface protector is applied, and this stops any viruses and bacteria from spreading on the treated surface.

Unfortunately, there is no way of permanently cleaning any surface or premises to stop the risk of infection and pathogens. It remains essential that high-level cleaning services are provided to ensure risk is minimized. The latest chemical and technological advances help to support cleaning professionals in ensuring the best level of protection for all environments. In a world where everyone is much more health and hygiene conscious, it is essential business owners do all they can to provide safety and peace of mind for all their customers. Our professional cleaning teams can help you out with that.

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