Keeping your Gym Clean is More Important Than Ever

More and more fitness centers are being forced to close in the current climate, don't let yours be one of them.

18 December 2020

Worrying statistics from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association suggest more and more health and fitness clubs across the US are having to close in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. The damage the virus has done to the industry is huge but those of you still trading and wanting to make a success of your business need to do all you can to remain afloat and deliver premium services to all your customers. Key to this is hygiene and cleanliness.

A clean gym is a base requirement for all who use it. Especially as these centers are particularly good breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and germs. Here we’re looking at just how important it is to keep your fitness center clean and how professional gym cleaning can be the best way to ensure standards are met.

1. Minimize Bacterial Spread

As mentioned, gyms are a real hotspot for germs and bacteria. The heat generated as we sweat provides the perfect home for bacteria to setup home and regenerate and spread. Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness is essential to minimize this and to protect visitors to the gym as well as its staff. Common bacteria found in fitness centers include: Rhinovirus Influenza Salmonella Dermatophytosis

This is just a number which have been found in many gyms so you can never be too careful, or too vigilant, when it comes to cleaning.

2. Maintain Equipment Condition

All equipment degrades over time, but your fitness equipment will deteriorate a lot quicker if it is left without proper cleaning. Leaving equipment uncleaned or maintained can result in premature rusting and overall degradation of quality. While it’s always good to invest in new equipment as you need it, having to do so before you need to is a waste of money and definitely bad for business. Equipment which is damaged or faulty doesn’t create a good impression and isn’t what your customers expect. It also shouldn’t be something you’re happy to offer.

3. Acquire and Build a Solid Customer Base

Good gyms build their name through word of mouth and reputation, so if your gym isn’t clean it won’t take long for this to get around the local community. Maintaining a clean fitness center is key to keeping your customers satisfied and gaining their loyalty. A strong image and clean facilities are key to good reviews and keeping your customers coming back time and again, rather than choosing another fitness facility.

Utilizing Professional Gym Cleaning Services

Working with professional cleaning providers ensures that your fitness center is kept in top condition. With experience in cleaning facilities just like yours services can be carried out quickly, safely and without any disruption to your gym’s business hours. Commercial cleaning service providers can put together a plan for keeping your premises completely clean. Investing in cleaning services does come at a cost but the long-term savings and the better caliber of customer you attract will be more than worth it. The fitness industry is suffering a real hit due to the unprecedented nature of the last year, so all business owners need to do all they can to keep working through it. Cleanliness has become more important than ever before, so do all you can to push your business forward and always maintain the highest levels of hygiene. Professional firms like ours are always on hand if you need to instate a stricter cleaning regime and utilize professionals for your cleaning programs.

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