How has COVID-19 Impacted Our Daily Hygiene Habits?

In what ways is our approach to hygiene changing due to the Coronavirus pandemic

15 July 2020

The world is a very different place since the advent of COVID-19 and while we don’t want to completely transform our every day, we do have to accept a rage of changes. Nothing will be exactly the same again and right now, cleaning protocols and hygiene are at the heart of all we do. Practices we’ve got used to during the pandemic are fast becoming ingrained into our every day lives and this can’t be a bad thing. As well as regularly hand-washing and sanitization of surfaces, there a few more daily cleaning and hygiene tasks to consider to keep home and work safe. Here we’re looking more closely at two lesser-focused on areas. Worrying and having high anxiety around the spread of the virus is obviously not healthy but a sensible approach to hygiene and cleaning definitely is.


Your shoes come into contact with every bit of dirt and grime there is, and while this may not be prevalent in virus-spreading, there is the risk of contamination. Not all environments allow for shoes to be removed at the door but you can consider using anti-bacterial wipes on the bottom of your shoes. Some workplaces require plastic coverings for shoes too. Travelling to and from different environments mean you do come into contact with a range of different surfaces and the risk of contamination is higher. At home you may choose to remove your shoes at the door to minimize any chance of spreading germs or bacteria of any kind but this will depend on your personal preferences.


People who work in high risk environments are advised to get changed and showered as soon as they get home. People who work directly with COVID-19 patients such as those working in hospitals may even be able to shower and change before leaving the workplace. Changing clothes more regularly has become common for others too as many of us are using our clothes as a form of protection, for example when using cuffs to open door handles to avoid touching them directly. Keeping clothes in a separate isolated bag from other washing or straight into the machine is a good idea too.

Air Filter Management

Whether at home or in the workplace, this is the perfect time to check and change the filters in your HVAC system. Fully professional duct cleaning is also a good idea to avoid the chance to bacteria and harmful spores entering your workplace or home atmosphere. Regularly changing your filters is also recommended for any systems where you can manually do this yourself.

Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize

Providing the facilities for employees to sanitize on their own behalf is one thing but it is also important to ensure end of shift cleaning is carried out and the environment is kept as clean and risk-free as possible. The attention you pay to each area may be different as “high touch” areas will need more attention and this may be something you discuss with your regular commercial cleaning company At Penn Jersey we provide a wide range of services for businesses of all types, looking to ensure they are kept at clean as possible and in the best condition for visitors as well as employees. Our Coronavirus cleaning service helps to prepare businesses who are looking to return to activity and is in line with the current industry best practice.

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