A Little News from Penn Jersey Building Services

Our latest work, news and even the chance to see us "on screen"

7 July 2020

At Penn Jersey we’re always excited to work across many different areas and having the chance to explore some of Philadelphia’s most historic and interesting buildings. We’ve recently been working at The Bike Stop, a well-known and popular bar with a very rich history. Working with its owners, Robert and Carmella Porter, has been a delight and it’s been great to see the fantastic architecture including brickwork arches that date back to 1916. You can find out more about The Bike Stop in this interesting blog post

Blink and You’ll Miss Us!

Another fun bit of news we’ve recently heard of is our first claim to TV fame on Netflix! Our few seconds of fame appears on the popular Netflix show Queer Eye. Last summer the Queer Eye team filmed in Philadelphia. In an episode focused on local fishmonger from the Italian Market trying to open a restaurant you can spot our cleaners working on the renovation! It’s all a bit of fun but if you’re quick you’ll catch a member of our team at 27:13. The image above shows the moment we hit the screen!

It’s always great to show off our works in progress and the finished article when possible and it’s even more exciting when a some of our work is broadcast further than the local area. We’re always proud to work with local businesses across Philadelphia and take pride in all our jobs, of all sizes.

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