Battling Bacteria: How to Effectively Manage Workplace Wellness

Managing Germs for a Healthier Work Environment

20 February 2020

Viruses in the workplace can be a real killer to productivity and just one worker turning up ill can result in widespread sickness. Understanding how to manage illness in the workplace is one thing but more importantly, you need to create a clean and hygienic workplace and culture, for a healthier place to live.

Germs are extremely clever but so are the technologies designed to defeat them and the more we do to manage the cleanliness of our workplaces, the more we can do to stop the spread of germs and create safer environments.

The Spread of Germs

Flu and other viral infections are most commonly spread by sneezing, coughing, talking and even touching by hands which aren’t properly sanitized. An unsanitized surface can also result in infection spreading and the influenza virus can survive on surfaces and infect a person for up to 8 hours after it was first placed there.

Unwashed hands are one of the most common ways germs are spread. Germs and other substances such as hazardous chemicals used in particular work environments are most easily spread via hands. Hot spots such as door handles and keyboards pose a particular risk. Proper restroom cleaning where germs are most prevalent is essential in stopping their spread.

Preventing the Spread of Germs

The first stage in preventing the spread of germs is ensuring that anyone who is ill does not come to work. Anyone who is ill should remain at home until they are better. If you have to work when unwell then it is essential you follow handwashing protocol as well as cough etiquette and ensuring all tissues are immediately thrown away after use.

Handwashing is absolutely essential in preventing the spread of germs too and workers should know how to properly wash their hands following these steps:

  1. Regular hand washing should take place. Hands should be rubbed together using soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds. The soap and scrubbing will dislodge and wash away the germs. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are an acceptable alternative.
  2. Rinse hands thoroughly to remove soap residue and use paper towels to dry them thoroughly. Towels need to be put safely in the bins.
  3. Best practice dictates using paper towels to turn off the faucet to avoid recontamination of hands

Another key stage of managing workplace germs is sanitation and regular cleaning.

Sanitation and Cleaning

Facility maintenance and regular cleaning is key to avoiding the mass spread of germs and contamination in the workplace. This is particularly the case in busy and communal paces where microorganisms can spread and flourish most easily. Teaming with professional office cleaners or hiring a janitorial service helps to ensure regular maintenance is never forgotten and standards never slip. Professionals work to minimize the potential spread of germs through regular cleaning and utilizing the best products for sanitization. Your cleaning team can also ensure stocks of soap, paper towels and other hand washing necessities are always well-stocked, giving staff one less excuse not to maintain their cleanliness. The spread of germs in the workplace may not seem like a huge issue, but it can result in mass sickness and this in turn will impact on your business as a whole. Expecting high standards of hygiene starts from the top, so ensure you have the right protocol in place and work with professionals for a cleaner work environment.

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