Senior Care Facility Cleaning: Protect your Residents with Proper Hygiene

Keep clean, to keep well

15 February 2020

19% of the population of Philadelphia is over 60 and a significant percentage of these people will be living in care facilities and senior living communities to ensure their independence and dignity is maintained, whilst they also get the healthcare they need. People living in these environments often have complex health issues and this makes cleanliness even more important than ever. Some senior care facilities may have their own cleaning teams but others opt to contract out, and benefit from professional cleaning partners who know exactly how to bring any facility back to its best and keep the risk of germs and viruses at bay.

Routine Cleaning in Senior Care Homes

Routine daily cleaning, particularly on frequently used and touched services, is essential in managing the risk of germs and bacteria. This includes areas in residents’ own rooms but also in communal area and in particularly bacteria-rich areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is one of the more critical factors in keeping an environment as clean as possible. All care facilities should have a hand hygiene and cleaning policy. All staff should be trained in the importance of maintaining strict hygiene protocols and follow the necessary steps for properly clean hands at all times. Decontamination hand rubs and disinfectants should be provided where necessary as well as gloves for some tasks.

Correct Cough Etiquette

Cough etiquette is something which must be followed by all staff to protect residents. Staff should be under strict instructions not to attend work if ill or in a position where an infection could be spread to residents.

Cleaning Schedules for a Safe Home

While a care home may be a workplace for employees, for all the residents it is home and they deserve a safe and clean place to live. Proper cleaning schedules ensure that the basic tasks are met and you are aware of when bigger, deep cleaning tasks are due. Working with professional cleaners means these tasks are handled on your behalf. Your cleaning schedules may incorporate the right chemicals to use for certain surfaces and lay out best practices for in between the contracted times the cleaners attend and carry out their regular duties. A good cleaning company can also carry out regular audits to assess the level of cleanliness and whether the right practices are being met, with recommendations put in place or suggested where changes can be made. Many residential care homes opt to have an initial audit and inspection so they have a clear idea of the level of initial cleaning their chosen partner company will need to carry out and then plan out the frequency of future cleanings for a safe environment.

Some care services where residents live independently without medical or other support can also benefit from cleaning services. Many retirement communities and senior living environments offer residents the opportunity to benefit from cleaning services as part of their rental or services package, ensuring that even environments where people live independently, cleanliness is maintained for the wider community where minimising the spread of bacteria and viruses should always be a focus.

Care homes often house the most vulnerable in society, so it is more important than in most places that hygiene is a focus. Keeping the risk of germs spreading at bay is essential for a safe and healthy home environment for seniors living in care communities.

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