Biohazard Cleaning: Ensuring Safety in your Home or Workplace

Biohazard clean up comes with real dangers, but trained professionals have the skills, materials and experience to ensure it is a success.

30 March 2020

Biohazard clean up services are becoming more essential than ever, as the spread of COVID-19 means we need to be even more vigilant when it comes to cleaning. Professional biohazard cleaning teams are professionally trained and equipped with the necessary materials, products and PPE to rid an area of any dangerous pathogens, viruses and anything else which may be left over should there be evidence of a virus or toxin which can harm a human’s health. Any bodily fluid which has the potential to harbor viruses and hazardous pathogens is considered a biohazard.

Biohazard Cleaning Services

Biohazard cleaning can cover a wide range of different settings and experiences, both in domestic homes and in business properties. With the COVID-19 outbreak there has been a considerable increase the biohazard cleaning activity as we work together to combat this pandemic.

Some other instances where biohazard clean up services may be necessary include:

Virus decontamination and protection Sanitation services including sewage cleanup Odor control and deodorization services Hoarding cleaning services Crime scene cleaning and decontamination Blood and bodily fluid clean up and remediation

Biohazard cleaning involves the full cleaning, sanitizing and deodorization of areas where an event, often traumatic, occurs. Biohazard cleaning unfortunately involves dealing with blood, other bodily fluids, animal remains, chemical spills and similar dangerous spillages. This kind of work is hazardous and government guidelines are in place to protect workers and ensure the best possible cleaning results for all. Please remember, some viruses are extremely resistant to cleaning and recontamination is also a possibility if people carrying a virus return to a cleaned area.

BOPIM Standards

The United States Department of Labor issued the Blood or Other Potentially Infectious Materials (BOPIM) Standard in 1991. This is designed to protects from the risks associated with blood ad other potential infectious materials.

The standard helps to protect workers in healthcare and related professions. It helps protect people in many industries and includes biohazard remediation. The BOPIM standard includes a range of key requirements:

The use of work practice controls The use of appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) The administration of vaccinations when required The proper handling, transport and disposal of hazardous waste and hazardous medical materials Mandatory training Full and appropriate record keeping

The significant risk involved in biohazard clean up means relevant legislation and standards need to be put in place. Cleaners all have relevant professional experience and training in the removal of biohazards and work to make sure premises are made 100% safe before they are used again.

Personal Protective Equipment

OSHA requires biohazard technicians and cleaners to have appropriate PPE, especially when dealing with bloodborne and similar pathogens. PPE helps to ensure the safety of workers and ensures they do not become carriers of any virus which may be live in the biohazard. It prevents any hazardous substances from entering the body through the skin, eyes, nose, mouth or other areas.

PPE should include full protection for the face, gloves, waterproof coveralls and in some instances, a respirator. Companies will also ensure their technicians and cleaners have appropriate biohazard remediation training and this will include full understanding of OSHA guidelines and on-the-job safety methods for the handling of biohazardous materials.

Biohazard Cleaning Processes

While the process for cleaning biohazardous materials will vary from company to company it should include the following steps:

  1. The cleaning crew will fully assess and identify the affected areas and work out the scope of the biohazard clean up.
  2. Cleaners will work as quickly as possible to ensure the spread of the biohazard is minimized.
  3. All hazardous materials will be removed from the premises as quickly as possible, including those which have the potential to be hazardous or infectious.
  4. Porous materials such as carpeting and similar fabrics must be removed in line with state regulations.
  5. Non-hazardous materials should be removed if unsalvageable or decontaminated and sanitized if they can be saved.
  6. After full cleaning and sanitization walls and floors may be sealed.
  7. Deodorization and final checks are carried out to ensure the area is free from any sign of the contamination and is safe to live or work in again.

Minimizing Loss for All Property Owners

Any type of property damage can be hard to handle, especially so when there has been loss of life involved. As this is a specialized cleaning service cleaners work quickly, effectively and with empathy for the property owners, looking to salvage anything which may be possible. In business environments, cleaners look to ensure normal business can resume as quickly as possible and where it’s a home where clean up is needed, we work to ensure people can get back to their daily lives as soon as they can.

The current climate has led to a considerable demand for biohazard cleaning. While we are far from getting back to “normal”, the better the cleaning provided, the more we can try to live our lives as regularly as possible.

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