The Pristine Chapel: Keeping Churches and Faith Buildings Clean and Maintained

At Penn Jersey we specialize in providing expert level cleaning to buildings of all types and sizes, including traditional church buildings, modern chapels and brand-new synagogues and temples.

21 March 2021

Religious buildings are often the heart of the local community and are as important as our own homes for many of us too. Churches, chapels and other religious spaces are used in a wide range of ways, for a multitude of activities and at all times of day and night. The schedules may vary which is why it is important to maintain a standard of cleanliness and maintenance which does not drop and is in line with the requirements of the building and its users. At Penn Jersey we specialize in providing expert level cleaning to buildings of all types and sizes, including traditional church buildings, modern chapels and brand-new synagogues and temples.

We use green cleaning products that are effective without leaving behind any bothersome odors. We will also make sure that we use appropriate cleaners and methods for sensitive areas of your facility, recognizing the sacred and separated nature of some spaces.

Maintaining Churches and Chapels

The churches and chapels of West Philadelphia are varied in age, style and congregation and we recognize the need to treat each building and its cleaning and maintenance with tailored precision and care. Regular maintenance tasks for most religious buildings include:

Roof Maintenance

Maintaining any building’s roof is essential for the whole building’s health. Historic buildings may have more complex maintenance plans as the roof may feature unusual elements or materials such as lead or even pest infestation such as bats or birds. Older buildings need special care but even brand new faith building managers should make sure they regularly check for issues with the roof before they become significant problems.

Eaves and Guttering

Eaves and guttering should be cleared out at least annually to maintain a good level of care and avoid serious issues for your church. Gutters are essential for protecting the whole building from water damage and if leaves and other debris build up, there’s a high risk of gutters becoming blocked. Eaves and guttering cleaning requires specialist knowledge and tools and is not something we would recommend you attempt without professionals on hand.

Utilities, Water and Wiring

No one without extensive experience and training should undertake electrical or mechanicals works in your church, but you can check for problems and bring in the right kind of help. Worn or frayed wiring should be replaced urgently to reduce the risk of fire, for example.

In terms of utilities, keeping a check for leaks and drips is essential to avoid any problems with rising damp and mold. Dripping faucets and leaky pipework should be dealt with urgently so water damage doesn’t become a significant problem. If your church has HVAC equipment then ensure regular maintenance of the equipment is scheduled at least annually, and it should also be professionally serviced to ensure it continues to work effectively and safely.

Grounds and Car Lots

Your congregation should be able to easily park up and get into church without any issues, so ensure your car lot is regularly checked over for issues such as potholes and cracks. If you team up with a professional cleaning company you can benefit from commercial pressure washing, which is ideal for removing any ground in dirt and grime in your car lot and to the exterior of your building.

Faith buildings are extremely valuable to their communities and much like a second home for many of their visitors. Keeping them in the best condition, clean and maintained, should be a priority for all involved in their upkeep and management.

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