Could your Business be doing more to Save Water?

Cutting water use in the workplace is not tricky, but it does involve being mindful and getting your whole staff team involved.

22 June 2021

In America we are lucky that we can simply turn on a faucet and fresh, safe water flows. However, we are also complacent with it, thinking simply because it flows, it will last forever. Water waste is a global problem and, in the US, it’s no different. The American Water Works Association say: “If all U.S. households installed water-saving features, water use would decrease by 30 percent, saving an estimated 5.4 billion gallons per day. This would result in dollar-volume savings of $11.3 million per day or more than $4 billion per year.” All US businesses, including cleaning companies like ourselves, should commit to minimizing their water waste and finding ways of treating it with more respect and conserving it wherever possible.

Easy Ways to Reduce Water Use at Work

Cutting water use in the workplace is not tricky, but it does involve being mindful and getting your whole staff team involved. Consider these easy changes for a more water-friendly workplace:

  1. Check for Leaks Pipe leakages can account for considerable water waste every year. Waste water goes unseen as it leaks below the building or within the walls and unfixed leaks can be responsible for gallons of water going to waste. Check your pipes regularly and use your water meter to see if your usage is unusually high as this can indicate a leak.
  2. Stick “Turn it Off” Stickers around Sinks This may sound very basic, but “turn it off” stickers in restrooms and near sinks reminds staff to be mindful not to waste any water and be conscious when using the faucets.
  3. Opt for Water Efficient Appliances If your business requires dishwashing or laundry appliances, check the water efficiency of your choices. Newer models utilize much less water and if you can justify a dishwasher for example, this is a much more efficient option than washing dishes by hand.
  4. Train your Staff to be Water Savvy If you’re committed to cutting water waste at work, your staff need to know about it. Improving your communications and letting staff know you’re committed to minimizing waste water will help them be more conscious about it.
  5. Invest in Automated and Touch-free Technologies Automated and touchless faucets and flushing devices are an easy way of minimizing waste. Eco-friendly toilets, sinks and faucets can help to cut water waste considerably. It is also possible to find low-flow toilet models and water-free urinals which use much less water. Touch-free toilets and faucets are also a great investment from a hygiene perspective.

Making Commercial Cleaning more Water-Friendly

Working in cleaning means we use a lot of water but we’re still conscious of how we can conserve and minimize our waste. Below are some ways your commercial cleaning company can minimize their water waste too and operate an eco-friendlier cleaning business:

Dilution Control Systems

Dilution control systems have always been used to minimize the over-use of chemicals, but it can also help with saving water. In these systems the chemicals are diluted into a pre-set proportion of water. They ensure only the exact amount of water needed is used, with no excess and therefore no waste.

Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths are made from material which picks up dust, dirt and other trash using electrostatic energy. This means there is not as much need for water to clean up. Microfiber clothes and equipment can also be used multiple times and easily washed themselves, minimizing the businesses’ general waste too.

Sustainable Cleaning Equipment

The manufacturers of cleaning equipment and machinery have recognized the shift in society towards eco-friendliness and greener approaches to cleaning, including minimizing the waste of water. Newer models of cleaning equipment and machines are much more efficient and use only the water needed to clean floors, walls and more.

Minimizing your waste water is good for business in terms of saving on your water bill and also because you are helping the worldwide cause of conserving our water supply.

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