How to maintain High-Traffic Flooring

Keeping your floor in top condition, even when it's used all day, every day.

15 October 2021

Foot traffic through your business is generally a good thing. Customers coming and going is a sign you’re thriving, and your business is operating successful. However, high foot traffic also brings additional cleaning requirements. The more people who step over your threshold, the more chance there is for them to bring in dirt, grime and other items which can track quickly around your flooring and take their toll. Regularly used flooring can quickly look dirty, carpets can appear matted and hard floors have a scuffed and worn look. Debris building up also leads to a higher risk of damage or the need to replace your flooring sooner. Appropriate floor care will depend on a number of factors but priority number one is ensuring you look after your business’ flooring, especially if you have a good stream of customers and clients regularly stopping by.

Let’s look more closely at the basics for a well-maintained high traffic floor.

Have a Fixed Routine

High-traffic flooring needs to be regularly cleaned. At least once a day routine cleaning is essential. You may find the busiest areas such as lobbies and entrances need regular cleaning throughout the day too, especially now winter has set in. Our roads and sidewalks are getting salted almost every day, and this salt will soon be tracked in and all over your premises’ floor. Cleaning to ensure this isn’t the first impression you give is essential. It’s worth remembering salt can be damaging to several hardwood flooring types including real wood and vinyl.

Different types of flooring need to be cleaned differently. Regularly sweeping is vital for hardwood floors while you’ll need a vacuum for the daily upkeep of your carpeted areas. This stops set-in debris from getting deeper into the pile. Carpets are becoming less common in high traffic areas but if you do opt for this kind of flooring, take the time to select a heavy duty product designed to withstand the levels of footfall your business gets.

Make Use of Mats and Rugs

Once again this is particularly important in wetter and colder months. Laying mats and rugs down help to keep your floor clean and protected, minimizing the grime and mud tracked around your premises. Salt, sand and other substances can also scratch or damage the flooring, especially if being trod in on by large numbers of visitors. Mats and rugs also show visitors that you have expectations and remind them of the importance of wiping their feet. This can’t even be considered with no option to do so. Where possible, you should ensure any mat you choose is secured to the floor to ensure it doesn’t become a trip hazard.

Use Professionals for Regular Deep Cleans

The amount of deep cleans your business’ flooring needs really is dependent on your foot traffic and what business area you operate in. A minimum of annual deep cleaning is recommended to ensure your floors are kept in the best condition. You may want to consider more frequent cleaning for carpets too. Floor cleaning specialists like our teams ensure they have the right equipment and can provide specialized services such as floor polishing and buffing too. Business costs mount up easily so if you can find ways to keep them to a minimum why wouldn’t you? Your premises flooring is one thing you can definitely give a longer lifespan with a real commitment to cleaning and maintenance. Our teams are always on hand to help out so get in touch for a quote for your business cleaning.

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