Impress Every Single Customer with a Clean, Welcoming Entrance

Show your professionalism and business acumen with cleanliness as a priority

30 October 2021

Research shows potential customers will judge your business in less than 13 seconds and this means everything. Your best staff, amazing displays and fantastic track record will be offset if your entrance space and reception aren’t sparkling clean and well-kept. Cleanliness will impact what your customers and potential customers think about your business, let’s look more closely about why it matters.

Value and Level of Service

Your premises’ cleanliness, especially in the entrance way or lobby, will impact your customer’s opinions on your level of service and its quality. One study found that if a restaurant has restrooms which are not properly cleaned then 88% of customers worry about the safety of their food. If a customer enters your premises and it isn’t clean and tidy, they are already going to have a negative feeling about your business. While you may have gotten used to your irregular mopping schedule and clutter, it is something a customer will immediately notice, and you may find you don’t get their custom a second time. A busy workplace is a good thing but there is no excuse for mess and uncleanliness, and it is the kind of thing your customers will notice. Chances are they won’t point it out to you, but you will see a decline in customers if you don’t ensure cleanliness is a priority.

You Owe your Employees Hygiene

Your main office may be untidy and unclean, but your restrooms are perfect. Unfortunately, customers won’t know this necessarily and will equate your lack of cleaning with poor hygiene standards. Restrooms must be cleaned to meet your duty of care to your employees as well as keep customers satisfied. A hygienic environment is essential to ensure you protect the health of any one who comes into contact with your business. It also shows you care about the health of your employees and visitors.

Boost your Brand Image

Elevating your brand and ensuring it stands out for the right reasons is a goal of all organizations. You’ve probably dedicated thousands of dollars and have dedicated staff focused on your online presence: your website, online branding and print marketing. However, you do not give the same commitment to and investment in your bricks-and-mortar premises. An amazingly presented office space you are proud to show off is a truly effective marketing tool too, so use it!

Improved Air Quality

Inborne air pollutants outnumber outdoor ones by the hundreds, and a musty or dirty premises equals dusty, unclean air. Unpleasant odors are off-putting and give the impression your premises is not clean, even if you do have a cleaning schedule but the odors aren’t dealt with. A fresh and welcoming lobby should have the air quality to match the surroundings. Your customers want to work with businesses that align with their own goals. An unclean workspace or entrance suggests a lack of care and commitment, not someone anyone wants to do business with. If you want to give your business a positive boost and you know it doesn’t look as clean and impressive as it could, get in touch with the professionals. From exterior pressure washing to brighten up your façade to floor polishing to shine up those floors, the Penn Jersey team are here to show just how beneficial a sparkling clean business can be.

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