The Summer Smog Is Coming In – How Can Businesses Prepare?

Philadelphia summers are something to enjoy, but they bring with them significant levels of air pollution that can have an impact on businesses.

19 March 2022

Philadelphia summers are something to enjoy, but they bring with them significant levels of air pollution that can have an impact on businesses. According to The Inquirer, Philadelphia’s air pollution index soars in the summer months, a toxic combination of increased numbers of car trips being wedded to low pressure and the impact of increased sunlight hours. The impact of this on businesses is twofold, increasing the amount of grime and dirt that attaches itself to the exterior of the business, and creating serious issues relating to air quality that can damage the reputation and customer experience. The best way around this is through regular maintenance and cleaning - but it actually needs to start in the winter season.

Making a head start

While it’s summer that brings pollution and smog, the challenge facing Philly businesses really begins in winter. The biting cold that the city experiences means that it uses large amounts of fossil fuels in the immediate region in addition to the widespread salt gritting of roads. Together, these create levels of residual pollution and dirt that do have an appreciable impact on businesses. While air quality is generally good, according to IQAir, the same can’t always be said for the roadside and shopfront.

Accordingly, early cleaning is essential. Once the grit has stopped going out on the roads, businesses must act quickly to get their forecourt cleared. Power washing and professional window cleaning will ensure that any built up salt grit, and the dirt that is associated with the build up of salt. While the gritting process is essential in keeping roads clear and ensuring that your customers can reach the store, it is equally essential to present a clean and clear business front by getting the salt washed away as soon as possible.

When spring rolls around

When the weather fully clear and the sun starts coming in, you have your opportunity to take real stock of your business front. It’s also the ideal time to start washing down surfaces - with the sun out you can look at exactly where you’re at, and give it a spring clean in time for extra footfall on the business front. It’s more than just surface cleaning, however.

During autumn and winter, detritus such as leaves and dirt can clog up the drainage systems. Furthermore, animal activity, such as from birds and pests, can create damage and dirt across the property. Use the quiet of spring as an opportunity to take a full survey of your property and ensure that you’ve cleaned every nook and cranny - this’ll put you in a good place for the summer smog.

Tackling the summer dirt

When the heat comes in, and sun and pollution combine to create smog and grime, it’s crucial that you are proactive in cleaning and maintaining your property. Regular power washing is necessary, as are the use of cleaning agents that can properly scrub the complex mix of chemicals and dirt that build up on the exterior of properties.

Also consider how you might contribute to uncleanliness through your cleaning action. If you use harsh chemical agents you will be actively contributing to the sources of pollution, rather than fighting against them to create a clean and happy local area. As The New York Times highlights, it is absolutely possible to use green cleaning products - whether from natural sources, like vinegar, or plant-based innovations - to accomplish this. Consider it a way of paying it forward - by eliminating your own chemical impact, you’ll help to keep the storefront clean, along with improving the air quality. This is essential for providing a good quality of life to employees, and ensuring that customers are happy and healthy when shopping in your store.

Business benefits

The potential benefits of putting good curb appeal in for your business are huge. As Chron outlines, first impressions are crucial; they can be formed in just seven seconds, and can define the entire lifecycle of your relationship with a customer. Ensuring that your business front is both professional and clean will bring in customers, keep them loyal, and present the most professional possible image of you and your products and services. In the new, eco-conscious age, that’s especially important; customers will value your green credentials.

With these measures in place, your business will be in a great standard before you start opening your doors for summer. It’s a year-round process, of course. Cleaning starts in winter, and continues into spring, and it’s through this time of year that you’ll give your summer business the foundation it needs. Finally, ensure that you contribute positively to the pollution story by putting as few chemicals into the air and ground as possible; be a contributor to a healthy environment rather than making it worse. Your customers will thank you.

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