Key Areas in your Bank that need Cleaning

Important spaces you must clean in any financial institution

20 July 2022

While traditional bank branches are less commonplace than they once were, if you manage or own a financial institution you know just how important cleanliness and hygiene are. You may have hundreds of visitors every day, as well as your staff, so keeping on top of cleaning is essential.

Professionally maintained banking facility are crucial for keeping customers satisfied. For over five decades, Penn Jersey has provided quality and reliable commercial cleaning services for the financial services sector right across Philadelphia. We’ve also got some helpful tips for ensuring the main areas of your financial facility are kept clean.

Make a Good First Impression

People visit their local bank regularly but they are unlikely to come back to the same branch more than once if its badly maintained and unclean. You want your customers to have a fantastic impression of your bank and there are some key areas of your bank that need particular attention which we’re looking at below:

Teller Stations

Teller stations are a central part of any bank. The teller stations sit securely behind tempered glass in most banking institutions and this whole area needs to be kept at tidy and clean as possible. Teller stations can easily get dirty as many customers pass by to hand in checks and withdraw cash. Teller stations can be regularly sanitized by your staff between customers and your cleaning company can give them a thorough clean too.


Restrooms aren’t a feature of all banks but if you offer this service, they need to be spotless. Your restroom should be a reflection of your business and this means everything should be as clean and hygienic as the rest of your business. Overflowing trash cans or unclean toilets and faucets will not leave a good impression of your business. A dirty restroom lowers the overall impression of your bank, regardless if everything else is perfect.

Touchpoints and High Traffic Areas

From door handles to table surfaces and faucets to ATMs, these are where most germs harbor in your bank. Cleaning and disinfecting these high-frequency touchpoints is essential for a properly clean and hygienic facility. Your professional cleaning partner will manage this for you but if you want to remain hypervigilant you can clean periodically throughout the day too.

Floors, Doors and Windows

Bank floors often make a statement, especially in old and historic institutions. Any debris, mud or dirt will be instantly visible and must be properly cleaned. Heavy foot traffic will effect the floor’s integrity so regular cleaning and perhaps even polishing if necessary, should be scheduled into your cleaning rota. Glass doors and windows also need close attention to avoid unsightly smears or marks. Newer institutions embracing modern architecture may have large glass frontages and investing in commercial window cleaning is almost essential for properties designed like this.

Bank Cleaning with Penn Jersey

Penn Jersey provide bank cleaning to financial institutes across Philadelphia. We work with our clients to ensure the get the level of cleaning service they need. Many clients require early morning or over night cleaning, ensuring there is no impact on business hours. We can also provide emergency and reactive cleans for organizations impacted by COVID-19 or other issues that may impact their business’ cleanliness, hygiene and ability to open. Get in touch today to discuss your cleaning requirements and we’ll be happy to help.

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