Philly Loves Fall, But Is Your Business Prepared?

Prepping for the colder months

31 August 2023

Few states look as good as Pennsylvania in fall, and the season of leaf fall rapidly approaches. The 2023 Fall Equinox will come on Saturday 23rd September 2023, according to Country Living Magazine, meaning that the season is rapidly approaching. It’s a huge time of year for businesses. The weather is generally cool and crisp, moving out of summer’s hot humidity, and the state is one of the best areas for seeing red-brown leaf fall and enjoying all of the best parts of the American fall season. For businesses, it’s a key time of year to get prepared - both to make sure your business is ready to meet customers after a wet and hot summer, and to make the most out of those new influxes.

Taking some routine maintenance

2023 was yet another torrid year when it comes to extreme weather. Storm after storm hit the city, and there was even a tornado in early August which residents of one suburb described as ‘Apocalyptic’. This has been paired with hot, hot temperatures, all across the city and state, which have brought in a sticky and wet summer. These sorts of conditions do bring people out and to businesses, but there are also some serious impacts on infrastructure. The June collapse of the I-95 was undoubtedly exacerbated by the 88 degree heat, uncommon that early in the month.

For businesses more widely, there are structural and environmental damage risks created by the hot and wet weather. The most risky among these are water damage to properties, the mulchy-like qualities of which are very conducive to creating bacteria and mold growth. It’s certainly worth checking the basements of business premises and enlisting a deep clean. As part of this, surveying for mold and other deeper structure damage can help to ensure that the building is clean, safe, and ready for the surge of business approaching as fall enters.

Get a routine in

Beautiful autumnal leaves, bringing in the joy of fall through the full palette of red, orange and brown, are stunning. The slow move from green into that muted palette is something that tourists come to see from all over the country, with many stopping at the easier pit stop of Philly rather than moving to the more congested and perhaps not even higher in equality coast. However, just as leaves provide a pull to the city and bring footfall to businesses, so do they bring risks.

According to Philly Slip And Fall Guys, the primary risk of leaves is slipping. When large piles of leaves build up, and become compressed from rain, footfall and wheels, they start to build a thin but potent layer of cellulose like fibers. These can operate like black ice, providing an organic surface that proves extremely slippery, as well as harboring hidden risks. It’s crucial to get a regular maintenance cycle in place on the exterior of a property, including jet washing, to ensure any stubborn or difficult to see [fibers are cleared away](

Thinking about up top

As the season beds in and the leaves keep falling it will undoubtedly create an envious and attractive image for the business. What is less obvious is the impact on building roofs. It is incredibly important to consider the upkeep and maintenance of roofs in Philly. There have been countless stories across the country of fatal infrastructure and roof collapses, from an Illinois theater that collapsed in April, to a LA roof falling in in March, to the April collapse of a Fort Lauderdale roof. Extreme weather linked all of these events, but so did poor roof maintenance. Whether in winter or fall, leaving detritus atop the business can create a serious risk.

That risk is of course enhanced during fall. Leaves will naturally fall on the roof, and a properly angled roof and gutter system should account for most of this. A few errant twigs or branches, however, and blockages in the system can easily occur. As such, it’s really important to get up and into the roof systems to have a good look around and ensure that any leaves and detritus are removed well ahead of time. This will also help during rainy days - a well operating gutter system is important to keep a property dry and safe.

Embrace fall - nowhere gets it quite like Philly. Beware, however, the impact that the weather of the year will have on your business. It can be easy to rush from season to season to get the most out of each wave of public interest, but it can be very risky, too, with how buildings absorb and react to damage. Most key, of course, is the risk of starting the business right in the face - leaves - so while you make the most of them, make sure your business can cope, too.

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